Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dr Suess poem. SO JELLY

This is a great Dr. Suess poem. Its pretty short but I love when it says "Youre on your own, and you know what you know"

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You’re on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.
~Dr. Seuss

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sad Chair

This guy wasn't too happy to see us...let alone any human beings. He stayed up all night going through box after box of Kleenex's. Poor guy.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I remember when

I remember
When palm pilots were cool
When 6th graders were old
When it sucked to be called a sevey
When I rode the bus to school
When I played football everyday
When I went to Philadelphia
When I learned how to ride my bike
When it was cool to like the color pink
When my older brother was emo
When I first realized mr Nelson looked like Tyson chandler. Life changing moment.
When I decided it was okay to tell girls you liked video games.
When getting my first Xbox live account.
When Obama got elected
When my first dog died
When I had my 4th birthday
When I got my first diaper changed...
When I saw my first acorn
When I was attracted to a girl for the first time...that was weird
When I was in 4th grade
When I realized ice cream is the only thing I can trust
When I found out mitt was Mormon
When I heard my friends swear for the 1st time

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10 Direct orders

1. Rock out like you just hit the game winning shot
2.Rock out like you just got a new puppy
3.Rock out like you just got your first kiss
4.Rock out like you just got married
5.Rock out like you're on top of the world
6.Rock out like you just won a million dollars
7.Rock out like you just got a 4.0
8.Rock out like you just won the heisman
9.Rock out like you just got on Mr. Nelsons wall of fame on the blog
10.Rock out like you are dying

Duct tape CANT fix this. well i hope not.

C'mon Mr Nelson clean up your act. Next time remember duct tape CANT fix this.

Life....and death

What if we never lived? what if living wasn't even an idea? what would we be doing? what if we didnt have a body? what if...what if...what if...

On average we have between 70 to 80 years to live which seems like a very long time but on the other hand we see the elderly saying it went by so fast. We need to live our lifes to their fullest and live like its our last day or last year.

Stop worrying about my first questions and think about this, What would you do if you knew your were gonna die tomorrow?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Short and sweet...and death

My dad is a short dude. And he tries his best to be sweet. Now i got to tell you, the thought of death scares me. But when my dad tries to be sweet and flirts with my mom with pick up lines at the dinner table...The thought of death doesn't sound so bad after all.

Thoughts...Thoughts...and ya things like that we think of in our brain and stuff.

Thoughts. Where do thoughts originate from and why?

Theres all sorts of different thoughts, like bad or good, smart or stupid, random and even inspiring. But why? Why do we think these things? Its an odd topic that I'm not sure we will ever truely be able to understand. But its fascinating to think and theorize about.

These thoughts can lead us to do some crazy things. Heres the best analogy i could think of on a late sunday night: A thought is like a seed. It needs to be planted. Now, it can stay planted and you just dont mess with it or you can make more of it; you can turn it into an idea. Then that idea can grow and blossom into action. Then, from there, its out in the world for people to see. It might be ugly or beautiful, but there is nothing you can do about it then. (mine turn out to be mostly ugly.)

In the end, lets just all take a moment and be thankful for our mouths that in essence filter out MOST of our stupid thoughts from ever being blurted out. Given, Some mouths do a better job than others. I got a buddy, Harold Miner, and its almost like he doesnt even have a mouth.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dead body.

c'mon if you say that you have never thought of where you would hide a dead body then you are a liar. I thought I'd share the best place me and my friend could come up with. we had a 10 minute conversation about it.

so here it is:

You go to a graveyard at night and find a grave the diggers are working on, take a shovel and dig it just a few feet deeper. then you place the body in the extra area. Follow that by moving the dirt back on top and packing it down. then when they come to bury the person for the funeral they bury (burry?) right over it.

And no i dont plan on being a mass murderer.

twitter fears and everyday fears #YOLO

I'm afraid of my mom and dad flirting. I'm afraid of flirting with girls (tee-hee). I'm afraid of people that say tee-hee. I'm afraid of me.

Im afraid of hashtags on twitter. Along with that, I'm afraid of nooby hashtaggers. #TakeAhike. #i'mafraidofverylonghashtagsespeciallywheneachwordisn'tcapitalized. I'm afraid of getting unfollowed on twitter. But most of all, im afraid of my parents getting a twitter account.

I'm afraid of people that are unrealisticly happy all of the time. Which i guess means im afraid of drugs..? I'm afraid of our highschools 10 year reunion. I'm afraid i might accidently right "haha" in a college english paper. I'm afraid of the future and the future me. I'm afraid of letting people in my life down.

I'm afraid of Mr. Nelsons zit on his nose. I'm afraid of Rudolph.

I'm afraid of waking up and not finding money under my pillow the morning after i lost a tooth. I'm afraid of poopy diapers. I'm afraid of poopy diapers falling from the sky. I'm afraid of my dads shiny head. I'm afraid of my dad when he watches "The Annoying Orange" on Youtube, and enjoys it.

I'm afraid of ch-ch-chea pets. I'm afraid of warm xbox controllers. I'm of public bathrooms. which consist of warm toilet seats. I'm afraid of the monster chasing me up the stairs. I'm afraid of the phrase "...And what not" or "...And such". Im afraid of LMFAO. I'm afraid of talking to cheerleaders. I'm afraid of my next family reunion with odd people i've never met that are apparently closely related to me.

I'm afraid to press the publish bual;eopjrf

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Sunday nap

I wanna meet the first person to ever take a sunday nap. They were a genius. To say the least. I love sunday naps, cause when you take a nap on any other day you feel like you are wasting your day away. But sundays...oh no, its very different. Its a perfect way to get to dinner time faster!

Im not sure that anything further needs to said about this great...thing?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Beliebers vs. Boys (Humans) strange are we? We (well the inferior gender) develops unhealthy obsessions with a 15 year old hot, perfect, talented singer. On the other hand us boys have grown to hate some high pitched, poser 10 year old. Jealousy? yeah, sure. But either way, neither group has ever met him and we both have totally opposite views. What trigger goes off in our crazy minds of ours when we develop an obsessions or hate for something we've never met?
            I think, as teens, our biggest fear is to be an outcast, we want to fit in. That's it. Doesn't matter what it takes. We gotta be "In the In" with our "Friends". This fear doesn't come from thin air. Of course it sucks to be alone. If you like to be alone then you also like to be a liar. Its not bad to want to fit in. We were born that way. But i think as teens, we take it a little far. Guess its just a part of our "Human" growth. Maybe we'll grow out of it, but then again I see adults still stuck in a teens world. So guess we have no hope.


Peace out, Bloggy McBloggers.

Friday, August 31, 2012


blog city chick, blog blog city chick. some call me the greatest there ever was. But to me im just the greatest there ever is. Got money on my mind so get out da way! keepin it real in the 84062. I'll be here all term.

Hey my name is _______ Im a 17 year old kid here in Utah county, Utah. Im part of the Illuminati. Racecar. <---- spell that backwards...#MindBlown. I could most likely beat up Levi Fiso...#MindBlown. ;) Hi Levi!

I believe pet peeves can tell quite a bit about a person so here are some of mine: When people are cocky. When people are turning left at a stop sign but they are still blocking you from turning right. When people go 25mph in a 25mph zone. I hate people that change their personality to get others approval. I hate when people get ice cream and cant eat the whole bowl. Probably my biggest pet peeve was more prevalent when i was younger...but i hate/hated when it was obviously freezing outside and kids would try to act tough and say "Its not even cold." You're an idiot. its 23 degrees out here.

Thats me! I'll probably update this in 5 minutes. but anyways, Peace out bloggy world.