Sunday, November 4, 2012

I remember when

I remember
When palm pilots were cool
When 6th graders were old
When it sucked to be called a sevey
When I rode the bus to school
When I played football everyday
When I went to Philadelphia
When I learned how to ride my bike
When it was cool to like the color pink
When my older brother was emo
When I first realized mr Nelson looked like Tyson chandler. Life changing moment.
When I decided it was okay to tell girls you liked video games.
When getting my first Xbox live account.
When Obama got elected
When my first dog died
When I had my 4th birthday
When I got my first diaper changed...
When I saw my first acorn
When I was attracted to a girl for the first time...that was weird
When I was in 4th grade
When I realized ice cream is the only thing I can trust
When I found out mitt was Mormon
When I heard my friends swear for the 1st time


  1. "when my older brother was emo" Thats funny

  2. "When getting my first Xbox live account" I can relate

  3. when palm pilots were cool.

    i miss those days.

  4. OH MY GOSH! Mr. Nelson does look like Tyson Chandler!

  5. I remember when palm piolots were cool too, and when the first Razor came out; i didn't know what the big deal was.

    really good post.

  6. When palm pilots were cool
    When 6th graders were old
    When it sucked to be called a sevey
    Check, Check, and Check.
    Its funny the things that you remember when other people think of it first.

  7. "When palm pilots were cool" ?
    Are you a cop sent back here to try and make drug busts?
    How old are you?
    What's a palm pilot?
    You gotta be in at least your mid-20's
    I caught ya

  8. The definition of Mr. Fox: Tool/ Cyber Bully
