Friday, September 7, 2012

Beliebers vs. Boys (Humans) strange are we? We (well the inferior gender) develops unhealthy obsessions with a 15 year old hot, perfect, talented singer. On the other hand us boys have grown to hate some high pitched, poser 10 year old. Jealousy? yeah, sure. But either way, neither group has ever met him and we both have totally opposite views. What trigger goes off in our crazy minds of ours when we develop an obsessions or hate for something we've never met?
            I think, as teens, our biggest fear is to be an outcast, we want to fit in. That's it. Doesn't matter what it takes. We gotta be "In the In" with our "Friends". This fear doesn't come from thin air. Of course it sucks to be alone. If you like to be alone then you also like to be a liar. Its not bad to want to fit in. We were born that way. But i think as teens, we take it a little far. Guess its just a part of our "Human" growth. Maybe we'll grow out of it, but then again I see adults still stuck in a teens world. So guess we have no hope.


Peace out, Bloggy McBloggers.


  1. your blog is so great! you've got a follower in me.

  2. Okay, lets just set this strait: not every girl develops obsessions with singers. But your second paragraph is golden. I agree so much. Humans are terrified of not being part of the bigger 'whole'. We are pack animals, by far.
